
A message from our principal, Mrs Sarah Allen.

Kia ora, Talofa Lava, Malo e Lelei, Namaste, Ni Hao, Kia Orana, Bula Vinaka, Greetings.

A very warm welcome to Riverhills School. 

At Riverhills we strive to live by our shared vision:

Care/Manaaki - Inspire/Whakaawe - Grow/Whakatipu

We are focused on providing a learning environment that puts people and relationships first.  Our learners are excited about their learning and they enjoy broad range of opportunities that support them to grow, maximising the academic, social and emotional growth of every learner.

Riverhills School is special in many ways.  We are situated at the end of Waikaremoana Place, a quiet cul-de-sac in Pakuranga.  This location provides the school with a calm environment away from busy Auckland traffic.  Our open grounds are safe and attractive, with plenty of space for children to be active in their play. 

All who are involved in the school work together to make Riverhills the special learning place that it is.  It has been described by parents and visitors as:

    "The best kept secret in the East."

    "A gem of a school."

    "A school that treasures all learners and makes stars of them all."

Please take the time to look around our website and Facebook pages.

We look forward to welcoming you to Riverhills School.



Riverhills School

MEdLd (Hons), BEd, DipTchg