Riverhills School
Our vision: Care/Manaaki, Inspire/Whakaawe, Grow/Whakatipu
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Welcome to Riverhills School
Our school vision is to care, inspire and grow our ākonga.
We believe that by creating a caring and respectful learning environment where all learners feel safe and nurtured, and providing inspirational and engaging learning opportunities for all, we will see grow well-rounded, critical thinking learners who take pride in themselves and care about the world around them.
We invite you to connect with us through exploring this website or by visiting the school in person. Use the contact us page to get in touch.
2025 School Dates
Term Dates
Term One: 3 February - 11 April
Term Two: 28 April - 27 June
Term Three: 14 July - 19 September
Term Four: 6 October - 17 December
Start of year office hours:
The office is open for new enrolments and stationery payments on the following days/times:
Tuesday 28 & Wednesday 29 January, 9am - 12pm
Thursday 30 & Friday 31 January, 9am - 3pm
Hats Needed in Term 1 and Term 4
The school uniform sunhat is part of our compulsory uniform in Terms 1 & 4.
Riverhills is a KidsLink School. Kidslink connects schools and families with professional services for children.